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Chair Yoga for Arthritis

Arthritis causes pain, stiffness, and sometimes swelling in or around joints. This can make it hard to do the movements you rely on every day for work or taking care of your family.


Strength in the body and confidence in the mind are increased for those with arthritis who take a weekly chair yoga class. You do not have to get up and down off the yoga mat.  You can receive all the benefits of yoga on the chair leading to reductions in pain and stiffness.


For arthritis statistics: Arthritis Related Statistics

Chair Yoga for Arthritis
Using Levels of Flexibility​

Incorporating our ground-breaking Levels of Flexibility, every chair yoga pose for arthritis is accessible to regardless of your challenges!

Those with arthritis challenges are always looking for something to reduce the pain.  Doing chair yoga is not only fun but is able, in many cases, to reduce the affects or your arthritis. The warrior and balance series are examples of asanas that build strength and breath which in turn can reduce arthritis pain. You will feel as though you “worked out!”


You learn that doing yoga poses, deep breathing techniques, and meditations on a chair will benefit you. You will crave your daily chair yoga practice and what is does for your arthritis.

If you feel this calling,

Schedule a free Zoom consultation

And find out about our tuition aid program!

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